I don't know what is happening but some time ago I feel dry, I want to write and tell the miracles that are coming to my life and I can't see them, even I know they are always present. I'm alive and well, healthy, with some financial troubles but I have a place to live in, a beautiful one, food to eat, my children and grandchildren are ok, so God, as always is taking care, but my soul is a little out of focus or my ego is ruling completely without letting my Self to be the one and only to rule my life, well who know what it is but "This too will pass".
I am reading again "The Way of Zen" by Alan Watts, I hope it helps and I will talk about it in my next post.
lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2008
domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2008
About Sai Baba

Here is an important announcement.
It is an ancient indian tradition going back to Vedic times, that when a person has lived through a thousand full moons, his children honour the person through appropriate and time-honoured ceremonies, that express gratitude to the Lord for blessing their elder with a long and glorious life.
What does one do, when the blessed Lord Himself, who created not only the entire universe but also all of us, comes in human form and enters the 83rd year of his advent, completing 1000 appearances of the full moon, a moon that He has Himself created?
That landmark event would occur this November, when our beloved Swami enters the 83rd year of His advent.Clearly something very special and unique is called for, since we are dealing with the Lord Himself. Recognising this, devotees of our beloved Swami are planning to celebrate this unique event in a grand manner by conducting a special function lasting many days.
This sacred program, would not only give expression to our adoration for Bhagavan but also offer special prayers for the well-being of entire humanity and for world peace.
The program would commence on the morning of Saturday, the 15th of November, 2008 and culminate on Monday, the 17th of November with Poorna Ahuti. Vedic scholars from all over India would be participating in the ceremonies.
Sai Baba the Avatar of Kali Yuga, our time. Krishna has promised Arjuna, the young prince of the Pandavas in the Bhagavad Gita, that He will come every time good recedes and evil stays in order to reestablish Dharma (Righteousness)... now is that time.
On November 23, Sai Baba will be 83 years old. He was born in a little village in the South of India where His ashram, Prashanti Nilayam ( The Abode of Supreme Peace) is now. Millions of devotees travel there looking for Everlasting Peace and Love whom they received from the Well of Unending Peace and Love.
How blessed we are, living at the very same time the Avatar is living!
Love. Peace,
sacred ceremonies,
Sai baba
jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2008
About Paul Williams.
Paul Williams is a singer, writer and composer, who was born in the 40's. He wrote his book "Das Energy" in the 70's and in 1982 "Common Sense" A Guide to the Present Situation.
Common Sense
Our purpose here
is to take action
and have an effect on the world.
We have been born
into a moment
of unprecedented danger and opportunity.
Our failure to act
is itself a choice.
There is nowhere to hide
from this awareness.
It is time.
It is time for each one of us
to commit our energy, time, money, attention
to a vision of enduring peace and abundance
to a vision of humanity as a sound mind
in the healthy body of the biosphere
to a vision of a world that works
to a vision of our children's children
growing up in a world without war
a world commited to the freedom and dignity
of every individual
regardless of race, sex, belief or nation
a world commited to clean air, clean food, clean water
for all
a world united in the awareness
that in diversity lies strength
a world more full of love than hatred
It is time for each of us
to vote with our lives
-our daily lives-
for or against
the vision of a more hopeful future.
Our purpose here
is to build a bridge.
The purpose of the bridge
is to span the distance
between our present situation
and our vision of a better world.
The beauty of the bridge is that,
once it is in place,
anyone can walk in it.
A few people can build a bridge
that can be walked on by many.
This is our response
to the dangers that face us:
We will build a bridge of faith
over the great ocean.
Every individual on earth
is welcome
to take part in this work.
It is as individuals, working alone or in groups,
that we will accomplish our goals.
This is the greatest challenge we have ever faced.
We humans are being given the opportunity
to use what we've learned.
Hey, I see you, hiding under the rug there.
Come out, my friend, and be of service. It's time.
Breath in, breathe out,
breath in hope, breath out fear
breath in courage, breath out despair
the time for action has arrived
breath in love, breath out fatigue
breath in, breath out
fear keeps going out
there's never an end to it, but it's not a problem
there are no problems
keep breathing
I am bringing forth my own energy
I can feel it welling up in me
and pouring out into my work
I can't say thank you for the gifts fast enough
I can't stop crying out for more.
What a wonderful moment to be alive in!
The momentum achieved
by many different people
in different places
working towards a common goal
is a tremendous source
of encouragement and strength
it allows each of us to approach our individual efforts
with joy and energy and love
and yet that moment always returns
when we are alone with our uncertainties.
On the edge of the dream
we face our deepest doubts.
Now that it all is almost real
a terrible fear of success takes hold
and we grab desperately, uncontrollably, for failure.
One last chance to get off easy.
Who among us really wants to save the world,
to be born again into two thousand more years
of struggle?
How much sweeter to be the doomed generation,
floating gently in the errors and villainy of others.
to some glorious apocalypse now...
Hallelujah! It's not my fault--
Bring on the end times!
We hate our enemies
to provide ourselves in advance
with excuses for possible failure.
Only when we give up
the comforts of pessimism
the luxury of enemies
the sweetness of helplessness
can we see beyond our own doubts.
I am speaking today of a great possibility
a chance to return to life
a chance to create a world for our children
not worse than the one we have.
How dare I be discouraged in the work
by anything so trivial
as the fear of personal failure?
Fear of success and fear of failure
must be pushed aside and replaced
with enthusiasm for the work at hand
every day a new beginning.
Let's go--
There are bridges to build
new maps of consciousness to be delivered
to every planetary address
in every planetary language
We are ironworkers, skywalkers,
stubborn messengers
of light and life
Oh friends
don't forget
why we're here!
The truth is, we have the skills
and we have the courage
if we could only keep our minds
on what we really want.
When you know what you want
all things are possible
We want many things.
Now is the time to take a look at our priorities.
I can't believe we want security and comfort
for ourselves
more than we want good heath and full lives
for our children.
But our actions not always express our priorities.
Not because we are afraid to admit
that our daily choices of where to commit our energies
will make the difference.
We are afraid to admit
that we could be building bridges
right now.
The truth is, we have everything to gain
and nothing to lose.
The satisfaction of knowing
you are doing your heart's work
cannot be matched by any other pleasure on earth.
The freedom of total service to a greater good
is exactly what every seeker is searching for.
Maybe what really scares us
is that if we stopped procrastinating
something real might happen.
What is the nature of the work?
I think the first step is to add yourself
to the vision.
Imagine that you have a specific role to play...
and don't take no for an answer
breath in, breath out
it is time to remember what I already know
it is time to gather the tools I already have
time to walk forward naked in the direction
where my heart's voice tells me to go
confident that my tools and my knowledge
will be at hand when I need them
breath in, breath out
fill my lungs with patience
exhale anxiety and greed
today I take a vow
not to love the world more than myself
not to love myself more than I love the world
I vow to build a bridge
over this gulf of imagination
that pretends to separate
my awareness of my own needs
from my awareness of the needs of the planet
we are one
that means I must serve you
if I wish to please myself
Let us serve as models.
And let us vow
to enjoy our work so much
that the hesitant and the fearful will grow jealous
and drop their chains
and run to join the fun
How to prevent world catastrophe
1)Admit that it could happen
2)Decide that it will not happen
3) Commit your vision and energy to number two
without ever forgetting number one
To choose to build a bridge
is the essential act of love.
Today is as true as it was in 1982.
Common Sense
Our purpose here
is to take action
and have an effect on the world.
We have been born
into a moment
of unprecedented danger and opportunity.
Our failure to act
is itself a choice.
There is nowhere to hide
from this awareness.
It is time.
It is time for each one of us
to commit our energy, time, money, attention
to a vision of enduring peace and abundance
to a vision of humanity as a sound mind
in the healthy body of the biosphere
to a vision of a world that works
to a vision of our children's children
growing up in a world without war
a world commited to the freedom and dignity
of every individual
regardless of race, sex, belief or nation
a world commited to clean air, clean food, clean water
for all
a world united in the awareness
that in diversity lies strength
a world more full of love than hatred
It is time for each of us
to vote with our lives
-our daily lives-
for or against
the vision of a more hopeful future.
Our purpose here
is to build a bridge.
The purpose of the bridge
is to span the distance
between our present situation
and our vision of a better world.
The beauty of the bridge is that,
once it is in place,
anyone can walk in it.
A few people can build a bridge
that can be walked on by many.
This is our response
to the dangers that face us:
We will build a bridge of faith
over the great ocean.
Every individual on earth
is welcome
to take part in this work.
It is as individuals, working alone or in groups,
that we will accomplish our goals.
This is the greatest challenge we have ever faced.
We humans are being given the opportunity
to use what we've learned.
Hey, I see you, hiding under the rug there.
Come out, my friend, and be of service. It's time.
Breath in, breathe out,
breath in hope, breath out fear
breath in courage, breath out despair
the time for action has arrived
breath in love, breath out fatigue
breath in, breath out
fear keeps going out
there's never an end to it, but it's not a problem
there are no problems
keep breathing
I am bringing forth my own energy
I can feel it welling up in me
and pouring out into my work
I can't say thank you for the gifts fast enough
I can't stop crying out for more.
What a wonderful moment to be alive in!
The momentum achieved
by many different people
in different places
working towards a common goal
is a tremendous source
of encouragement and strength
it allows each of us to approach our individual efforts
with joy and energy and love
and yet that moment always returns
when we are alone with our uncertainties.
On the edge of the dream
we face our deepest doubts.
Now that it all is almost real
a terrible fear of success takes hold
and we grab desperately, uncontrollably, for failure.
One last chance to get off easy.
Who among us really wants to save the world,
to be born again into two thousand more years
of struggle?
How much sweeter to be the doomed generation,
floating gently in the errors and villainy of others.
to some glorious apocalypse now...
Hallelujah! It's not my fault--
Bring on the end times!
We hate our enemies
to provide ourselves in advance
with excuses for possible failure.
Only when we give up
the comforts of pessimism
the luxury of enemies
the sweetness of helplessness
can we see beyond our own doubts.
I am speaking today of a great possibility
a chance to return to life
a chance to create a world for our children
not worse than the one we have.
How dare I be discouraged in the work
by anything so trivial
as the fear of personal failure?
Fear of success and fear of failure
must be pushed aside and replaced
with enthusiasm for the work at hand
every day a new beginning.
Let's go--
There are bridges to build
new maps of consciousness to be delivered
to every planetary address
in every planetary language
We are ironworkers, skywalkers,
stubborn messengers
of light and life
Oh friends
don't forget
why we're here!
The truth is, we have the skills
and we have the courage
if we could only keep our minds
on what we really want.
When you know what you want
all things are possible
We want many things.
Now is the time to take a look at our priorities.
I can't believe we want security and comfort
for ourselves
more than we want good heath and full lives
for our children.
But our actions not always express our priorities.
Not because we are afraid to admit
that our daily choices of where to commit our energies
will make the difference.
We are afraid to admit
that we could be building bridges
right now.
The truth is, we have everything to gain
and nothing to lose.
The satisfaction of knowing
you are doing your heart's work
cannot be matched by any other pleasure on earth.
The freedom of total service to a greater good
is exactly what every seeker is searching for.
Maybe what really scares us
is that if we stopped procrastinating
something real might happen.
What is the nature of the work?
I think the first step is to add yourself
to the vision.
Imagine that you have a specific role to play...
and don't take no for an answer
breath in, breath out
it is time to remember what I already know
it is time to gather the tools I already have
time to walk forward naked in the direction
where my heart's voice tells me to go
confident that my tools and my knowledge
will be at hand when I need them
breath in, breath out
fill my lungs with patience
exhale anxiety and greed
today I take a vow
not to love the world more than myself
not to love myself more than I love the world
I vow to build a bridge
over this gulf of imagination
that pretends to separate
my awareness of my own needs
from my awareness of the needs of the planet
we are one
that means I must serve you
if I wish to please myself
Let us serve as models.
And let us vow
to enjoy our work so much
that the hesitant and the fearful will grow jealous
and drop their chains
and run to join the fun
How to prevent world catastrophe
1)Admit that it could happen
2)Decide that it will not happen
3) Commit your vision and energy to number two
without ever forgetting number one
To choose to build a bridge
is the essential act of love.
Today is as true as it was in 1982.
domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2008
About Faith
Faith is the ability not to panic.
If you worry, you didn't pray. If you pray, you don't worry.
As a child of God, prayer is kind of like calling home every day.
Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.
When we get tangled up in our problems, be still. God wants us to be still so He can untangle the knot.
Do the math. Count your blessings.
God wants spiritual fruits, not religion nuts.
Dear God: I have a problem. It's me.
Silence is often misinterpreted, but never misquoted.
Laugh every day, it's like inner jogging.
The most important things in your home are the people.
Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional.
There is no key to happiness. The door is always open.
...A grudge is a heavy thing to carry.
He who dies with the most toys is, nonetheless, still dead.
We do not remember days, but moments. Life moves too fast, so enjoy your precious moments.
Nothing is real to you until you experience it, otherwise it's just hearsay.
It's all right to sit on your pity pot every now and then. Just be sure to flush when you're done.
Surviving and living your life successfully requires courage.. The goals and dreams you're seeking require courage and risk-taking. Learn from the turtle, it only makes progress when it sticks out its neck.
Be more concerned with your character than your reputation. Your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.
If you worry, you didn't pray. If you pray, you don't worry.
As a child of God, prayer is kind of like calling home every day.
Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.
When we get tangled up in our problems, be still. God wants us to be still so He can untangle the knot.
Do the math. Count your blessings.
God wants spiritual fruits, not religion nuts.
Dear God: I have a problem. It's me.
Silence is often misinterpreted, but never misquoted.
Laugh every day, it's like inner jogging.
The most important things in your home are the people.
Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional.
There is no key to happiness. The door is always open.
...A grudge is a heavy thing to carry.
He who dies with the most toys is, nonetheless, still dead.
We do not remember days, but moments. Life moves too fast, so enjoy your precious moments.
Nothing is real to you until you experience it, otherwise it's just hearsay.
It's all right to sit on your pity pot every now and then. Just be sure to flush when you're done.
Surviving and living your life successfully requires courage.. The goals and dreams you're seeking require courage and risk-taking. Learn from the turtle, it only makes progress when it sticks out its neck.
Be more concerned with your character than your reputation. Your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.
jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2008
All Soul's Day (Día de Muertos)
In Mexico we have a very beautiful tradition to celebrate the Día de Muertos, it's on November 2nd. and we remember our loved ones that passed away. In a special place we gather several things with an ancient meaning like, water, sea salt, copal ( a certain kind of incense), flowers, food and beverages our death ones liked, candy skulls with their names and very well dressed skeleton figures, male and female. These ones are famous because a great painter, Jose Guadalupe Posada made several of these figures, the most known is La Catrina, a very elegant female skeleton.
We expect they, our dead ones, come to visit us on that day so we can offer them all the things they used to like when they were here, and we light candles to show them where the place we made for them is.
Although we know death is not real because we are energy and energy cannot be destroyed, we like to remember them in a joyful way.
I hope you enjoy the picture and leave a comment if you want to know more about this tradition.
We expect they, our dead ones, come to visit us on that day so we can offer them all the things they used to like when they were here, and we light candles to show them where the place we made for them is.
Although we know death is not real because we are energy and energy cannot be destroyed, we like to remember them in a joyful way.
I hope you enjoy the picture and leave a comment if you want to know more about this tradition.
loved ones,
miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2008
About babies, children and adults.
Babies are high all the time.
They assume nothing; they draw no lines.
They are completely open to pain and joy.
Babies see things as they really are.
Children are high a lot of the time.
They are more open than adults, make fewer assumptions, allow
more things to happen to them.
They seem to have infinite energy.
But do not think adults are falling angels!
It is not possible to fall from grace.
Adults have access to infinite energy; they can free themselves
from assumptions.
They can be as high as they choose.
But they can not escape responsibility
And if you don't embrace your responsibility
-----love it as you love yourself------
you will never get high.
You will never enjoy free energy flow.
Das Energy by Paul Williams.
They assume nothing; they draw no lines.
They are completely open to pain and joy.
Babies see things as they really are.
Children are high a lot of the time.
They are more open than adults, make fewer assumptions, allow
more things to happen to them.
They seem to have infinite energy.
But do not think adults are falling angels!
It is not possible to fall from grace.
Adults have access to infinite energy; they can free themselves
from assumptions.
They can be as high as they choose.
But they can not escape responsibility
And if you don't embrace your responsibility
-----love it as you love yourself------
you will never get high.
You will never enjoy free energy flow.
Das Energy by Paul Williams.
energy flow,
miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2008
About YOUR life.
What about your life? Is it the one you dreamed off? Have your dreams been fulfilled? Or, are you suffering, complaining, feeling miserable?
Let's see what could we do to change the grief in joy. First of all we need to be sure that, what we are longing for, is the real thing we want and then we have to focus on getting it. But how?
We have to clarify our thoughts about ourselves and our needs to be happy. Almost all the time we are thinking about the past, complaining and feeling guilty, or the future, worrying and dreaming of the "marvelous things to come", and, what about the PRESENT? Are you aware that the present is the only time we have? The past is gone, the future has not come yet so, where are we?
All spiritual traditions, New Age movements, etc. talk about this: To live in the present and, doing so we will be out of conflicts, because we put ourselves in the hands of something much bigger than us, LIFE itself and we flow with it.
Of course it is easy to say and difficult to do but realizing that is the first step to freedom of misery and into awareness.
Live in the present, look for stillness and be happy!
Let's see what could we do to change the grief in joy. First of all we need to be sure that, what we are longing for, is the real thing we want and then we have to focus on getting it. But how?
We have to clarify our thoughts about ourselves and our needs to be happy. Almost all the time we are thinking about the past, complaining and feeling guilty, or the future, worrying and dreaming of the "marvelous things to come", and, what about the PRESENT? Are you aware that the present is the only time we have? The past is gone, the future has not come yet so, where are we?
All spiritual traditions, New Age movements, etc. talk about this: To live in the present and, doing so we will be out of conflicts, because we put ourselves in the hands of something much bigger than us, LIFE itself and we flow with it.
Of course it is easy to say and difficult to do but realizing that is the first step to freedom of misery and into awareness.
Live in the present, look for stillness and be happy!
viernes, 17 de octubre de 2008
About Life.
Sooner or later a person begins to notice that everything that happens to him is perfect, relates directly to who he is, had to happen, was meant to happen, plays its little role in fulfilling his destiny.
When he encounters difficulty, it no longer occurs to him to complain-he has learned to expect nothing, has learned that loss and frustration are a part of life, and come at their proper time-instead he asks himself, why is this happening?...by which he means,
what can I learn from this, how will it strengthen me, make me more aware? He lets himself be strengthened, lets himself grow, just as he lets himself relax and enjoy (and grow) when life is gentle to him.
Strengthened by this simple notion, simple awareness, that life is perfect, that all things come at the proper moment and that he is always the perfect person for the situation he finds himself in, a person begins to feel more and more in tune with his inner nature, begins to find it easier and easier to do what he knows is right. All chance events appear to him to be intended, all intentional actions he clearly perceives as part of the workings of Chance. Anxiety seldom troubles him; he knows his death will come at its proper moment, he knows his actions are right and therefore whatever comes to pass as a result of them will be what is meant to happen. When he does feel anxiety, he realizes it is because of that thing he's been meaning to do but hasn't done, some unfulfilled relationship he's been aware of but...He perceives the anxiety as a message that he'll have to stop hesitating if he wants to stay high... He knows that he is out of tune because he's let himself get out of tune, and because he knows he can, he begins to take action. He enjoys his high life; does not enjoy anxiety; so he stops hesitating and does what he has to do.
He does not live in a state of bliss, though perhaps he feels himself moving toward one-or toward something, he doesn´t know what it is but it is the way he has to go, the journey towards it is the only life he enjoys. It is hard; it is exciting; it is satisfying, lonely, joyous, frustrating, puzzling, enlightening, real; it is his life, that's all.
He accepts it.
Sooner or later a person begins to notice...
Das Energy by Paul Williams.
When he encounters difficulty, it no longer occurs to him to complain-he has learned to expect nothing, has learned that loss and frustration are a part of life, and come at their proper time-instead he asks himself, why is this happening?...by which he means,
what can I learn from this, how will it strengthen me, make me more aware? He lets himself be strengthened, lets himself grow, just as he lets himself relax and enjoy (and grow) when life is gentle to him.
Strengthened by this simple notion, simple awareness, that life is perfect, that all things come at the proper moment and that he is always the perfect person for the situation he finds himself in, a person begins to feel more and more in tune with his inner nature, begins to find it easier and easier to do what he knows is right. All chance events appear to him to be intended, all intentional actions he clearly perceives as part of the workings of Chance. Anxiety seldom troubles him; he knows his death will come at its proper moment, he knows his actions are right and therefore whatever comes to pass as a result of them will be what is meant to happen. When he does feel anxiety, he realizes it is because of that thing he's been meaning to do but hasn't done, some unfulfilled relationship he's been aware of but...He perceives the anxiety as a message that he'll have to stop hesitating if he wants to stay high... He knows that he is out of tune because he's let himself get out of tune, and because he knows he can, he begins to take action. He enjoys his high life; does not enjoy anxiety; so he stops hesitating and does what he has to do.
He does not live in a state of bliss, though perhaps he feels himself moving toward one-or toward something, he doesn´t know what it is but it is the way he has to go, the journey towards it is the only life he enjoys. It is hard; it is exciting; it is satisfying, lonely, joyous, frustrating, puzzling, enlightening, real; it is his life, that's all.
He accepts it.
Sooner or later a person begins to notice...
Das Energy by Paul Williams.
martes, 14 de octubre de 2008
lunes, 13 de octubre de 2008
About Sufism
The Man of God is drunken without wine:
The Man of God is sated without meat.
The Man of God is rapturous, amazed:
The Man of God has neither food nor sleep.
The Man of God is a king beneath a humble cloak:
The Man of God is a treasure in a ruin.
The Man of God is not of wind and earth:
The Man of God is not of fire and water.
The Man of God is a sea without a shore:
The Man of God rains pearls without a cloud.
The Man of God has a hundred moons and skies:
The Man of God has a hundred sunshines.
The Man of God is wise through Truth:
The Man of God is not a scholar from a book.
The Man of God is beyond faith and disbelief alike:
For the Man of God what"sin"or "merit"is there?
The Man of God rode away from Non-being:
The Man of God has come, sublimely riding.
The Man of God Is, Concealed, O Shamaudin!
Search for, and find- The Man of God
Jalaludin Rumi
Attar of Nishapur.
Two pearls of the Sufism two classical authors among others like, El-Ghazali, Omar Khayyam, Ibn El-Arabi, Saadi of Shiraz, Hakim Jami y Hakim Sanai.
Tomorrow we will talk a little more about this and some ways to put it into action in our everyday's lives.
The Man of God is sated without meat.
The Man of God is rapturous, amazed:
The Man of God has neither food nor sleep.
The Man of God is a king beneath a humble cloak:
The Man of God is a treasure in a ruin.
The Man of God is not of wind and earth:
The Man of God is not of fire and water.
The Man of God is a sea without a shore:
The Man of God rains pearls without a cloud.
The Man of God has a hundred moons and skies:
The Man of God has a hundred sunshines.
The Man of God is wise through Truth:
The Man of God is not a scholar from a book.
The Man of God is beyond faith and disbelief alike:
For the Man of God what"sin"or "merit"is there?
The Man of God rode away from Non-being:
The Man of God has come, sublimely riding.
The Man of God Is, Concealed, O Shamaudin!
Search for, and find- The Man of God
Jalaludin Rumi
Attar of Nishapur.
Two pearls of the Sufism two classical authors among others like, El-Ghazali, Omar Khayyam, Ibn El-Arabi, Saadi of Shiraz, Hakim Jami y Hakim Sanai.
Tomorrow we will talk a little more about this and some ways to put it into action in our everyday's lives.
sábado, 11 de octubre de 2008
The miracles in my life
First of all to be alive and well. Then my children and grandchildren. The place whereI live, with a wonderful weather, marvelous plants, flowers and a blue sky almost all the time.
I can see, hear, walk, eat good food, drink clean water and chat with beautiful people I have as friends.
I read a lot about Spirituality, books and in the web and that is what I am going to share with you, mainly because I have realized that happiness is within ourselves. Now I could tell that for sure. All you need is go into your inner Self and there is what you have been looking for. Peace, joy, happiness.
Another miracle is to be here writing for you who are going to read my words, you whom I'm going to share my thoughts and my wishes, you who will be my friend.
I can see, hear, walk, eat good food, drink clean water and chat with beautiful people I have as friends.
I read a lot about Spirituality, books and in the web and that is what I am going to share with you, mainly because I have realized that happiness is within ourselves. Now I could tell that for sure. All you need is go into your inner Self and there is what you have been looking for. Peace, joy, happiness.
Another miracle is to be here writing for you who are going to read my words, you whom I'm going to share my thoughts and my wishes, you who will be my friend.
Miracles. Peace
viernes, 10 de octubre de 2008
About Miracles
Hi, I'm Ana, your hostess and I will be writing about miracles, all kind of them. Miracles that happen all day long the whole year. To be ALIVE is a miracle, to breathe is another, to be able to read and understand what you read, another...well, you see, we are surrounded by them.
Let me tell you, there are a lot of people out there writing about this and I want to put them all together in one site for you to reach them almost without effort. This is a time for awakenings and that is what we are going to do here.
"Stillness is the language of God and everything else is a bad translation"
Eckhart Tolle
Let me tell you, there are a lot of people out there writing about this and I want to put them all together in one site for you to reach them almost without effort. This is a time for awakenings and that is what we are going to do here.
"Stillness is the language of God and everything else is a bad translation"
Eckhart Tolle
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