miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2008

About YOUR life.

What about your life? Is it the one you dreamed off? Have your dreams been fulfilled? Or, are you suffering, complaining, feeling miserable?

Let's see what could we do to change the grief in joy. First of all we need to be sure that, what we are longing for, is the real thing we want and then we have to focus on getting it. But how?

We have to clarify our thoughts about ourselves and our needs to be happy. Almost all the time we are thinking about the past, complaining and feeling guilty, or the future, worrying and dreaming of the "marvelous things to come", and, what about the PRESENT? Are you aware that the present is the only time we have? The past is gone, the future has not come yet so, where are we?

All spiritual traditions, New Age movements, etc. talk about this: To live in the present and, doing so we will be out of conflicts, because we put ourselves in the hands of something much bigger than us, LIFE itself and we flow with it.

Of course it is easy to say and difficult to do but realizing that is the first step to freedom of misery and into awareness.

Live in the present, look for stillness and be happy!

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